Black Copper Marans are a relatively rare bird in the Lower Mainland. They are
a French dual purpose breed and are highly prized for both the meat and the egg
flavour by gourmet French chefs. The Black Copper Marans is an average layer
who lays stunning coppery dark brown large eggs. Our Black Copper Marans are
from heritage stock and have the less common feathered feet. Our lines are from Heidi Shuster of Greendale Farm in Chilliwack, Alan Mayfield on Vancouver Island (he directly imported from France) and Cree Farm in Washington.
Leghorns $20.00 a dozen.
Danish Leghorns are beautiful, colorful birds.
They are relatively small in stature and are high egg producers. They lay a
pure white, large egg. We currently have a waitlist for these hatching
eggs. Ask to be placed on the waitlist!
Clockwise from top: brown egg layer, Cuckoo egg, Black Copper
egg, and Leghorn egg.
Black Copper
Marans |
Black Copper Marans
rooster |